YCOS - Yves Colliard Software GmbH
z/OS training, consultancy and software products

z/OS education - over 30 years of experience!

z/OS Enhancements

  • since MVS/ESA 5.2.2 Yves Colliard is presenting the "MVS" news. Now with z/OS 3.1 a new version/release is again available. The content of this course is covering following:
  • z/OS Overview
    JES2 – SDSF
    RMF – z/OS Advanced Data Gatherer
    ISPF – TSO
    z/OS Base
    USS, zFS and z/OSMF
    WLM – Workload Manager

z/OS introduction

JCL - Job Control Language


SDSF - System Display and Search Facility

MVS Commands

JES2 Commands

z/Assembler and Debugging

z/OS internals

Rexx language and programming

and some more...

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